My Portfolio

Software Developer - Java & Spring Framework - Full Stack Developer


why worry app image
delivery application image

About Me

I am a professional and passionate Software Developer, proficient with Java language and Spring Framework. Have the interest and the ability to learn other coding languages and technologies as needed.

Excellent communication skills, a team-player, and always seeking to assist in my environment.

I am looking for a company that feels like home yet has an ambitious environment, where I can contribute and execute my development skills and problem-solving capabilities.

Consider myself to be a very determined and self-motivated individual with an outstanding ‘Can-Do’ Attitude.

3 years ago, I fell in love with writing code.

At first, as in all things I like to do, it was very challenging,
a new and fascinating world with endless knowledge.

Then I graduate from college course with a GPA of 97.
At the same time I started giving short lectures about various tech-topics,
and very quickly found a job as a Backend Software Developer.

I really loved this position; it was fun and challenging at the same time.

But then, unfortunately, I had to leave work due to
a temporary medical condition that did not allow me to work.

And now - after I've returned to stable health,
stronger than ever, I'm ready to get back on track
and I'm coming with endless passion!

I would be very glad to hear from you soon.
Thank you in advance,

Contact Me